b'Tass Cable Management Limited |11 thEdition|2021 BrochureTerms & Conditions of SaleGENERAL 5.The company makes no warranty or guarantee regarding | All orders for goods (the Goods) to be supplied by TASS CABLEinformation contained herein of its products and services.s n MANAGEMENT Limited or any of its subsidiary companies as6.The information provided by the company is in good faith o the case may (hereinafter referred to as the Company) are subjectand is subject to change without notice or liability.i t to these conditions of sale and the placing of an order by the i d 7.It is the buyers responsibility to determine suitability of any n buyer (the Buyer) will constitute acceptance of these conditions. products the entire risk associated with such information is oc entirely with the buyer.SUPPLY& It is every instance for the customer to satisfy himself that the s Acceptance of order does not imply guarantee of delivery. goods supplied are correct and fit for the purpose for which they mr The company shall make every effort to supply as requestedare required. The company accepts no Liability for faulty goods te but cannot guarantee such and accepts no liability for lossother than to replace the goods in question. Customers arearising from failure or delay in delivery. required to inspect all goods to ensure they are correct. Under no Supply of goods may be withheld if accounts remaincircumstances shall the company be liable for any consequential outstanding at time of dispatch. loss of whatsoever nature, howsoever caused, arising out of defect in the goods or from the unsuitability for any purpose.UK MAINLAND DELIVERIES No liability can be accepted for the goods used outside the manufacturers recommendations. Where the company is asked All orders received under 350.00 net will incur a minimumfor advice or recommendation it is to be treated as an opinion in 15.00 carriage charge. no way constitutes a guarantee of performance. Qualified advice All orders received over 350.00 net are carriage paid. should always be sought.Scottish Highlands & Offshore delivery addresses may incur WARRANTYadditional carriage costs and can be quoted upon request.It is the customers responsibility to check that the correct TASS CABLE MANAGEMENT LTD will, free of charge within a address and post codes are supplied, any failed delivery due to period of 12 months from the Date of delivery of the goods replace incorrect address details will be the responsibility of the customer.such goods which are proven to be defective due to defects in Any cost incurred by Tass will be charged to the customer. material or workmanship. This obligation will not apply where the goods have been improperly altered in any way whatsoever or The duty lies with the customer to inspect all goods upon receipthave been subject to misuse or any of the following:-of delivery/collection, Tass should be advised no later than 3The goods have been improperly installed or connected.days after receipt of any damaged or short delivered goods.Any maintenance requirements that have not beenA signed delivery note on collection from our stores shall indicatecomplied with.that inspection has taken place. If no inspection is possible thisThe customer has failed to notify TASS CABLE MANAGEMENT should be indicated on the delivery note at time of receipt ofLTD of any defect or suspected defect within 3 days of goods. delivery where the defect should be apparent on reasonable REQUESTING DELIVERY UPDATES & PODs inspection.Tracking details are automatically supplied to the purchasingRETURN OF GOODSemail address, the customer is always advised to check receiptNew and unused goods will only be accepted for return ifof tracking first before contacting Tass for delivery updates. purchased within the last 30 days.Requests for PODs should be made to the following emailReturn of all unwanted and non-faulty goods should be initiated address sales@floorbox.co.uk quoting the sales order numberby supply of an official debit note with a 50% handing charge of (provided on your Order Acknowledgement) or your purchasegoods value applied and must include the following:order number.1.Invoice/purchase order numberPROPERTY & LIABILITY OF GOODS 2.Quantity for return1.The company shall retain legal and equitable ownership of3.Reason for returnall goods supplied until paid for in full. The customer shallTass does not accept returns for stock cleanse debits, non-stock remain at all times fiduciary bailee of the firm. or special order goods under any circumstance.2.The customer is free to sell the goods supplied on the basisNo returns permitted if goods have been partially or entirelythat the proceeds of the sale be allocated to the companydisassembled, or physically altered, or permanently installed, in respect of any debt with the company. affixed, attached, joined or added to, blended or combined with, 3.The customers power of sale shall cease if a receiver is or embedded within other goods or fitted to other goods, unless appointed or an act of bankruptcy is committed. defective.4.Notwithstanding clause 1 full responsibility for the goodsOnce the debit has been agreed by Tass, the customer will then passes to the customer upon delivery. be supplied a Goods Return Note with unique GRN number as proof of acceptance.68 Tass - Office Power Solutions|For further information visit our website: www.floorbox.co.uk'