Spa Software | Spa Management Software | SALONGENIUS 2017-06-20T02:08:31+00:00


Whether a day spa or destination spa SALONGENIUS can help your business to increase revenue, reduce costs and maximise efficiency.

SALONGENIUS caters for specific areas of the spa industry to ensure your business is running alongside industry guidelines.

SALONGENIUS Appointment system screen

Efficiently manage your appointment diary and reduce common errors such as double bookings and wrongly matched appointments.

Our multi search facility allows you to quickly find and make appointments.

Automatic 2 way SMS appointment reminders help to eliminate those costly no-shows.

Contra-indications and skin test recording can ensure only the appropriate services are allowed or a warning given.

Client traffic lights and a starring system give a simple indication of your clients worth to your business at a glance.

Technical history information on services is entered and stored where required.


The heart of your system starts and ends with the point of sale facility.

You can easily assign bills to individual operators and share the commission of services and products. The point of sale facility has a variety of sales options such as price check, selling packages and courses and deferring bills which allow clients to pay friend or family bills. It can also automatically recommend products based on previously bought items.

SALONGENIUS also offers the option to set up automatic prompts to encourage repeat bookings. The automated ‘Reward a Friend’ scheme is to attract new clients. Vouchers are printed at the end of a sale offering an incentive for customers to recommend their friends and family; you can then reward both existing and new clients upon the friend or family member making a booking.

SALONGENIUS Business Management

Our business management provides you with accurate and up to date business performance information enabling you to make informed decisions about your business.

System traffic lights provide an at-a-glance real-time snapshot of where you are against break-even. Detailed reports support this analysis with information on previous break-even times together with details of the sales that got you there; including the best hour of the day, hourly takings and appointment statistics.

Business performance gauges provide you with not only current live performance data but also ‘what-if’ sliders that let you look at what gains could be achieved over a period.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are an ideal starting point for a more in-depth examination of your business. You can measure your business performance against your peers on a group, regional, national and international basis.

SALONGENIUS Client Marketing

SALONGENIUS marketing exploits the power of your data to enable you to grow your business. Accurate data entry is essential. Incomplete or inaccurate records can lead to missed opportunities with marketing campaigns and promotions.

Reactive marketing gives you the option of data mining your business database to direct your marketing budget to where it can bring the greatest rewards.

Proactive marketing allows you to preset marketing activities in advance. These can be based on appointments or sales and marketing materials are sent out automatically to clients meeting the criteria.

Once your selection has been made, contact is available via letter, e-mail or SMS. The e-mail option includes an HTML editor for producing eye-catching output.

It is also fully Data Protection compliant. Data quality reports show you how good your database is.

  • Contra-indications alerts
  • Packages
  • Skin testing reminders
  • Courses
  • Maximum services per day
  • Sunbeds
  • Room allocation
  • Consultation forms
SALONGENIUS Salon Reporting
SALONGENIUS offers a full suite of over 300 reports enabling you to quickly and easily find out detailed information on all aspects of your business and its progress at the touch of a button.

A dedicated range of reports is included explicitly to show salon performance together with staff utilisation and appraisal indicators.

Reports are available for any time period and those frequently used can be accessed via batch processing to save you time and ensure continuity. ‘Week on Week’ reports are on hand to provide year on year comparisons for progressive trends.

All of the reports can be exported for use in other packages such as accounting software to quickly extract the data your accountant needs.

SALONGENIUS stock control ensures that you never run out or overstock – saving you money. Keep a check on your costs and maximise your opportunities when handling retail sales.

Stock movements are fully tracked and orders are suggested based on minimum stock levels. The orders are easily accepted onto the system once delivered and checked.

The option to track items via serial number is especially useful for high-value items. Commission rates can be applied on a per product basis to reflect margins.

Price increases and changes to stock information are easily made. Detailed reports on best sellers, non-movers and validation enable you to understand the value of your stock.

SALONGENIUS Loyalty & Gifts
Over the years client loyalty schemes have proven to increase both retention and client spend.

SALONGENIUS incorporates a wealth of ways to automatically reward your clients and help you enjoy better return rates and higher spend. Full reporting is available on scheme activity.

SALONGENIUS offers a choice of either single salon gift vouchers or vouchers that can be used across a group of salons. In both cases, balances can be checked on demand. Full reporting on activity and liability are included.

We offer a bespoke design service for both loyalty and gift cards. From standard sizes to key cards, from black and white to full colour we can meet your requirements.

SALONGENIUS Security Protection
With SALONGENIUS there are 10 levels of security available letting you give staff access to the areas they need whilst protecting sensitive business information. Access is controlled via passwords or preferably via biometric fingerprint readers.

Once security is set up access to all areas is recorded, unauthorised access attempts are logged and a full audit trail is provided of who did what, when and from which terminal.

There is full reporting on any price adjustments, cancelled transactions, refunds and redo’s to name but a few. The value of discounts given and surcharges made is also available.

SALONGENIUS can also integrate with CCTV systems giving you greater control over your business.

It is also fully Data Protection compliant. Data quality reports show you how good your database is.

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