Software Training | Get The Most From Your System | SALONGENIUS 2017-06-14T05:23:27+00:00


Ensure you get the most out of your system

SALONGENIUS want you to benefit from your investment and offer a wide range of training opportunities to meet all needs and experience. By ensuring that you know all the aspects of SALONGENIUS, we can make sure that you get the most out of your system to benefit your business

Per Salon Training

We find the initial training day is most beneficial when it takes place in the salon. The receptionist will become more comfortable using the system in it’s everyday environment. Staff will be shown the basics from making/moving/canceling appointments, making and processing bills to some useful end of day reporting.

Regional Training

Periodically, SALONGENIUS will schedule courses offered on a Day Delegates place rate in various locations.

Initial Training

There are two standard full day training courses which are Getting Started which is an introductory course aimed at new users of the system to establish the basic skills that are used most of the time. Ideally scheduled just prior to, or on the day of installation of SALONGENIUS. The other one is Getting More which is a follow-up course that is aimed at manager level users, building on Getting Starts, usually scheduled  4-6 weeks after initial installation.

Additional Training

Additional training is available for those areas your still not clear on or want to know a bit more about. Such things as Appointments, Client Care, Stock, Promotions, Business Enhancement & Skills Training, Marketing etc.

Members Only

A secure area on our website provides a wealth of additional information including a complete log of step by step training manuals, a complete set of training presentations including notes and action plans.  Also includes templates required to grow your business and “what if” salon calculators that in an instant provide you valuable statistics on clients, client retention, marketing return on investment etc

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